Thursday, December 01, 2005


a room makeover of one's own

i've been watching my human watching those shows
where a house in a row receives individuality
or a glow is bestowed to an aesthetic dark alley;
where life magically flows into withered actuality
and old dreams get new homes in well-feathered informality.
and it strikes me that we cats are in need of good design too.
in fact i think we should have our own show, don't you?
of course, we'd let dogs, even birds, in on this coup.

now, the show should go something like this:
a designer and a pet psychologist
get together to turn a space in someone's house
into the selected pet's dream environment.
if something like this exists, please tell me
so that i can get my human to apply.
i like my room, but i'd like it better
if it had some of the following:

a tree to climb about on that reaches to the ceiling,
whose branches spread appealingly to all sides of the room;
a catwalk about the perimeter, with steps and stairs and pitfalls,
a freshly running water bowl, a dish of purest china,
a litter box fit for the king of poo, and a bed that's even finer
fine furry things to claw at and lots of narrow cat-crawls,
a place to hide away in that's like a little tomb,
a way to express to my human exactly what I'm feeling.

and anything else you can think of. you design people, i mean.

and while we're at it, i'd like to urge some crafty human
to design a better scratching post. most are simply shameful.
you know the ones i mean--they're covered in bad shag carpet.
these are a little better, but still not 'wow' enough for moi.
now, here's some cool pet furniture, but i'm talking something big.
something big and sturdy and scratchy but elegant too, dig?
you'll let me know of course if you come up with something good.
i must be the first test user, i hope that is understood.

meanwhile, i make do with things my human made (see picture)
to keep me interested. thank god he knows a secret of the trade:
that we cats like ephemeral playthings better than lasting ones.
throw us a plastic bag from the market, and we're set for fun.
whee, here comes my human now with one, gotta gooo...
you won't let on i've been typing without him, now, will you?

miao for now

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I thought only humans needed to have all these unnecessary things in their houses. Cats have a lot of requirements too if they want their homes to look great and if they want it to feel like a real home.
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