Sunday, November 27, 2005


the sunday friday cat blogging review

reporting and analysis by t.n.tallywack, celebrated catculture conoisseur

we cats love friday cat blogging;
we can't get enough of tributes
and worship and love and such.

i, tnt, have personally chosen
the best of the friday cat blogs
for you, so you needn't waste time

not that any picture of any cat
is ever anything close to a waste
since cats are so amazingly fine

but anyway, i'm here to say
that we cats like this one best
(for this week of november 25)
not only for its regal portrayal

but because it reminds us cats
of the siamese cat song, which is
the only finer thing than "is that all there is"
that peggy lee ever sang.
now you see that!
peggy lee, we cats love her, she
made us lose our sense of verse.

so, to be terser,
we also like this one.

we cats always like
to watch other cats
"bring the cute," any day.

who woulda thunk
this untraceable meme
could start such a craze?

who started it? let's see...
there are varying reports.
on second thought, who's to say?

we cats are not surprised
because we know by heart
the universe's ways;

its wild and wooly
ever wily ways.


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